Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Put...the candle...back!

Ok, so I'm in the process of working on two movies right now. One is for some guy, and I'm stuck on where to go on the ending for that one... but the other is a personal one. It's called "Violent Heart". It uses a mashup between NIN and Faust, and it's kind of like a Gnomechewer lore version of when the Draenei split off from the rest of the Eredar. This video is like the Eredar singing the song towards the Draenei, somewhat explaining their actions past, present, and future. The lyrics are from NIN's "Violent Heart" and are so totally written for this event.

And of course, all major events in Gnomechewer lore are done through dance and/or song.

Here's some preview shots of what's going on. Hopefully I'll have it done within a day or so:


BaronSoosdon said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere!

Here's your initiation video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBGIQ7ZuuiU

Unknown said...

It seems to be a mix between; Feist - 1234 and NIN - My Violent Heart. Is the remix made by you or can you find it somewhere on the internet?

Great music vid. btw. :)